Published on March 8th, 2018 | by Kayak Session
Sunday Reime Day!
Derek Murphy enjoys a free-flowing Raundalselva on a cold day with the boys. 30 odd Cumecs. Good times.
The Raundalselva is a protected river in the Voss area in Norway, that has recently been under threat from local authorities as the river flooded in 2015 and reached an astronomical water level. This caused the local council to look into the damming of the river, after numerous local meetings, « independent » consultants to evaluate the effects of damming and this dam would effect the local adventure tourism and how much money the community would potentially lose. The local council agreed that the river should not be dammed.
Thanks to Voss Kajakklubb, Naturvernforbundet, Voss Active and local paddlers for their efforts to save this amazing river in Voss.
Edit: Derek Murphy