

Published on avril 21st, 2015 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png


European Boater Cross Cup – Augsburg May 9/10th

Kayaking elite head to head on the Eiskanal in Augsburg. From May 9 to 10th the first Boater Cross of the European Canoe Association (ECA) will take place in Augsburg, Germany. In total there will be 6000 Euro price money, 2200 only for the girls!

The atmosphere at the Eiskanal is of a special kind: Olympic Champions share the eddies with off-the-couch-boaters, national teams train next to plastic boat paddlers. After making two events happen in 2013 and 2014 the organizers go all in for this year. The competition will last two days for the first time there will be a seperate womens race. And the best thing is: Everyone can enter the competion, the starting fee of 25 Euro includes training, four meals and a fancy t-shirt.

Price money

Men: 1st place 1500 euros, 2nd place: 1000 euros, 3rd place: 800 euros, 4th place: 500

Women: 1st place 1000 €, 2nd place: 600 €, 3rd place: 400 euros, 4th place: 200 €

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