
Fun Stuff

Published on février 11th, 2016 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png

Chopper Kayak Jump

Surf kayakker Rein Hagenaars is going for the big waves in his own country. After travelling the world with his wife Wendy and surfing on huge waves at the African Coast, New Zealand and the monsters from Maui, he’s now looking for the big ones in his own flat country The Netherlands.

When there’s a big low pressure area in the upper North of the North Sea, swell and wind will build up waves at Hoek van Holland to almost seven metres. In this conditions it is impossible to paddle out because of the raw power of the waves.

Plan is to get the kayak in a chopper and fly out just behind the biggest surf. This will be one kilometre from the shore.

The chopper will hover around 5 metres above the chaos and kick Rein in his kayak out to the mercy of the sea.

Hopefully he surfs back on the big waves and make is safe to shore.

Of course plans like this cost money, so Rein is looking for sponsors. The heli and kayak may be covered completely with stickers and media couverage is garenteed. The location at Hook from Holland is also very dramatic because of the surroundings from Maasvlakte2, so this will be a show not to be missed!

Rein Hagenaars can be contacted on Facebook or by mail by reinhagenaars72 @ gmail. com

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