
Published on June 30th, 2015 | by Kayak Session

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Coilaco & Trancura in Winter (Chile)

Chile for many is a winter destination (that is when it is winter in the northern hemisphere…) Now what happens when it is winter down there?… well the locals are paddling… Check out that video recap sent by Marcos Gallegos on a weekend of kayaking with all the local peeps around Pucon, Chile. Video is a mix of the first waterfall throwdown in Chile on the COILACO FALLS in TRUFULCO, Masstart and Freestyle showdown on the TRANCURA river in PUCON.

Kids, teenagers and older paddlers came to enjoy these days of kayaking in Pucon. We wanna thank PARADISE PUCON HOSTEL for hosting the events and to all who contributed to make this happen.

it was an all around super fun weekend, weather was beautiful and no one got hurt !!!

By: Marcos Gallegos.

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