
Published on January 2nd, 2024 | by Kayak Session

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Designing the SNAIL | Leif Anderson

Check out Leif Andersons recent home project – the ‘Snail’. Leif describes the design and testing process for his homemade surf kayak in this video describing what worked and what still needs some improvement.
We are stoked to hear more about this design in the future!

« Here’s a very slapdash description of the design process for my homemade surf kayak, the Snail. I released another video featuring more surfing (   • First voyage of the Snail  ), but realized that you couldn’t even see the unique features of this BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART. Now you can appreciate the splendor of this masterwork while listening to the soothing tones of me saying whatever random stuff I happened to think of while I had the camera set up.
I also wrote a long blog article about the construction process (not much about the design). That article is here: https://leifandnatalie.blogspot.com/2…

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