
Published on October 18th, 2018 | by Kayak Session

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First Descent of La Leona, Rio Claro (Chile)

Experience la Leona with this POV from Aniol Serrasolses. Aniol ran the first descent of La Leona, a 80-feet waterfall in the Claro River within the Siete Tazas National Park in Chile.  Kayakers Gerd Serrasolses and Pedro Astorga joined the mission and successfully repeated the feat. To access the fall they had to paddle a sequence of continuous rapids inside a deep gorge. La leona was the last piece of whitewater untouched and all the sections can now be linked together.

« Chile is an adventure paradise where I want to continue pushing the limits of the sport.This waterfall has been a long time dream of mine. » 

By: Aniol Serrasolses

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