
Published on September 19th, 2018 | by Kayak Session

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First Descents of the Betsiamites River (Entry #29 Short Film of the Year Awards 2018)

The Betsiamites River, the first descent of a dried-out gem. Dammed in 1956 (and dry most of the time), Hydro Quebec, the power company in charge of the dam, had to release water in early 2018 due to the maintenance of the whole system. The Betsiamites river would be a world-class section of whitewater with a natural flow. It is one of our greatest finds, and it is such a shame that we might never paddle this gem again. This river would be a world-class section of whitewater with a natural flow. These images were captured during the first three descents of the gorge.

Images: Emerick Blanchette/ Mike Roy
Edit: Emerick Blanchette/ Quebec Connection
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