
Published on July 15th, 2014 | by Kayak Session

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Fluid Kayaks – Do it Now (Whitewater Sit On Top)

The Do It Now is a unique whitewater sit-on-top. Contrary to other “whitewater” sit-on-tops that were produced in the past by various companies, the Do It Now has a true whitewater pedigree.

It allows for exactly the same interface between paddler and boat as any whitewater kayak, meaning that the knees, key to boat control, is in fixed contact with the boat. This was achieved by raising the knee area of the sit-on-top high enough for the knees to push against, with short thigh straps to keep the knees in position. This allows the paddler to control the kayak properly by edging the boat accurately when needed, and it also allows the paddler to roll the boat easily.

Being a sit-on-top, the Do It Now has the advantage of being sealed from water entering the shell. This allows a swimmer to get back onto the boat anywhere in flat or moving water, making swims much shorter and less intimidating. No more swimming to the bank and emptying water out of a heavy boat.

The hull is based on the Bazooka hull but wider, making it a fast, stable, very forgiving sit-on-top, suitable for tackling class 1-3 rapids.

For safety reasons, we are not supplying a backrest with the Do It Now, and we also don’t recommend the use of one. A backrest may present an entrapment risk in case you capsize with the Do It Now in whitewater.

Buy this Boat: http://www.fluidkayaks.com/us/kayaks/whitewater/do-it-now.html


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