
Published on November 16th, 2015 | by Kayak Session

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Juanito de Ugarte Memorial Descent, Peru

One full year since we lost our beloved Juanito… and we still miss you so much !!!!

When I thought of you during the first months it used to be painful and many regrets would torment me… it’s all dust now since I accepted that It was your time to go and that we did the best we could at that moment .. When I think of you now so many beautiful memories come to mind that make me laugh so hard ….

You where such an amazing human being and I give thanks for every second I got to spend with you !!!

The memorial was the most beautiful ceremony I’ve ever been part of… such a good way to say good by to juan.. together with his family and friends , sharing the love for the river that saw him grow and where he will always flow.

thank you Ciaran for the additional shots of Juan !!!!

By Aniol and Gerd Serrasolses

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