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Published on juillet 28th, 2022 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png

Kayak Session #82 – Summer 2022 (Out May 15th)

Mission: The rio blanco project – Source to sea in wild Patagonia

Join Aniol Serrasolses and Nouria Newman as they become the first to accomplish a descent of Chile’s enigmatic Río Blanco from source to sea.

Destination: SjoaThe pearl of Norway

When most think of Norway, they think cold, steep, and a little scary. Not so during summer in the Sjoa Valley, where the Sjoa River is just the start of a kayaking paradise where there is something for everyone.

Expedition: BystrzeCurrents of the colca canyon & the canoandes expedition

A river trip can take your life on a course you could have never known, a truth highlighed by the Canoandes Expedition, which took six young Polish men out of Soviet-controlled Poland around the world on the ultimate kayak roadtrip.  

Interview – Matthias Weger

For some, kayaking—and racing—is about winning, being the best, or being on the mission. For Tyrollean paddler Matthias Weger, whether on skis, paragliding, or in his kayak, there’s one goal: finding a way to maximize the fun.  


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  • Kayak Session Issue 93 – Spring