Kayak Session 86 – Summer 2023 (Out May 15th)

Mission: The Grand SaryJaz Trek – Heavy Loads: Contemplating Ethics and Style in Expedition Kayakings
Style. It’s more than the grace with which we interact with the current. It’s the way we approach the river. Inspired by a desire to do right by the remote canyons of the legendary Saryjaz, a team of paddlers opted to hike their boats out and over some of the world’s tallest, least-hospitable mountains.

Zoom in: Tidal Power – The Bitches of Walesrge
Off the coast of Wales lies a tidal race that has shaped generations of kayakers. Though not to be taken lightly, when the tides, swell, pressure, wind, and weather align, there is nothing better than a day spent at the Bitches.

Explore: Vamos a Bolivia – Exploring the Rapids of Carrasco National Park
20 days spent exploring more than 340 km of quality whitewater will have anyone saying “Vamos a Bolivia!” On his third trip to Villa Tunari, Fabian Bonanno headed to nearby Carrasco National Park, each river further imprinting the beauty of the region on his soul.

Interview – Libby Tobey, Brooke Hess, and Hailey Thompson
Brooke Hess, Libby Tobey, and Hailey Thompson traveled from Idaho to the Pacific Ocean, raising awareness of the declining salmon populations in the Snake River Basin. A feat that took 79 days and 1000+ miles of paddling, two years of planning, and recently named them Idaho Rivers United’s Salmon Advocates Of The Year.
