
Published on March 9th, 2015 | by Kayak Session

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Lettman Kayaks Paddlers Dominate Citroen Extreme Race (NZ)

A few weeks after dominating the Wairoa race (North island), as part of the NZ extreme racing series, Lettmann Paddlers took again all the honors in the Citroen Extreme Race (South island) with Joe Morley and Jennifer Chrimes taking home both gold medals. Watch the race, the pre race and the carnage with a video shot and edited by Ryan Lucas, aka baby Bird. When one knows what it is like to just paddle the Nevils Bluff, Citroen and Retrospect rapids on the Kawerau river just out of Queenstown, it is hard to imagine what it is like to race it down and be caught out of air while running those monsters.

by: Ryan Lucas, aka baby Bird

Capture d’écran 2015-03-09 à 16.16.34





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