

Published on novembre 7th, 2018 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png

Mission: 1st Descent of the Lucala Gorge on the Kwanza River (Angola) – Update #2 Keve River

Mike Dawson (NZL), Jake Holland (GBR) & Dewet Michau (SA) have formed an international team to head to Angola in West Africa to attempt to complete the first full descent of the Lucala Gorge on the Kwanza River.

After 4 days on the mission the boys have made it off the Keve River in Western Angola. This trip was all time, descending through some of Africas most remote terrain. Huge weather systems kept things interesting as the river flooded a meter higher overnight, but they found amazing whitewater and incredible scenery. The team will head 200km North now to try and run the Kwanza River, including the un run bottom section above Campende Dam. Stay tuned for the film of the descent.
More soon, stand by…

Follow the descent http://share.garmin.com/mikedawson





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