

Published on avril 1st, 2015 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png


#PADDLEFACES – Welcome to the FACES Contest

FACES is a new online event organized by Kayak Session Publishing, presented by E-Paddleshop.com, and powered by GoPro.

The concept is simple: You send us photos of your face, while paddling, shot with an onboard GoPro-type camera. It can be on whitewater or flatwater, kayak fishing, stand up paddling, sea kayaking or whatever form of paddling you choose.

It can be a funny face, a happy face, a scared face, a face shot with a stunning background… The only limit is your imagination.

Send photos by email to faces@kayaksession.com or faces@paddleworld.com, and send as many as you would like. We will not only post it on this page, but also across our social media network (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc). When you refer to your entry always use #PADDLEFACES


The file name should contain your name and the location (ie, NickTroutman_Ottawariver_Canada) The photo must be at least 600 Pix WIDE. You fill up the form below and we will publish. (Button ENTER the CONTEST) Winners will be announced in the fall of 2015, and winning photos will be published in the fall print edition of Kayak Session Mag.


There are no less than 4 GoPro Packs to be won for a total value of over US$2750.00gopro


The Top 20 entries goes to the final round. Criteria: the 20 most liked entries move to the TOP 20 Finalists. End of the contest: November 15Th – Winners announced December 1st. Worth US $559.00 each (Total US $2236.00).

Each entry will be promoted through our media channels, but it is every participant’s duty to make sure his entry is being seen/liked as widely as possible from our initial post – we only count likes from OUR post.

thanks and good luck!


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  • Kayak Session Issue 93 – Spring