
Published on May 13th, 2016 | by Kayak Session

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Project Listen – The Sound of Class 5

Connor Herdt and « Shoeless » Joey Simmons spend their summers with the ultimate soundtrack, the powerful roar of the whitewater rapids on the Payette River in Western Idaho. Having traveled the world facing some of the toughest rivers around, they understand the importance of listening to each other and to the river itself. Project Listen – The Sound of Class 5.

« Most experiences in life are improved by listening, and kayaking is no exception. Watch as Ken Garff demonstrates how kayaking a Class 5 rapid requires listening in this video, one in a series of videos for their #ProjectListen campaign. » See more films at projectlisten.com

Director/Editor: Jake Featherstone
Paddlers: Connor Hedt and « Shoeless » Joey Simmons

« Fault Line » by Jake Ewing (© The Music Bed, LLC)
« Idaho » by Gregory Alan Isakov (© 2009 Suitcase Town Music)
« Revival » by Ryan Taubert (© The Music Bed, LLC)
« Barracuda » by Luke Attencio (© The Music Bed, LLC)
« Rich Kids » by Judah & The Lion (© The Music Bed, LLC)
« Mountain Bound » by Connor Herdt (© Connor Herdt)

Special Thanks To:
Kenneth & Anne Long
Banks Store & Cafe
TV Specialists Crew
Idaho River Community

For media inquiries contact jeremyn@kengarff.com

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