Published on January 19th, 2023 | by Kayak Session
REEL WORLD Vol.7 – #20 Shane Simoneaux (USA)
Follow US paddler Shane Simoneaux throughout 2022!: « This is my recap of my first year of kayaking. I started around November of 2021 and have been full on ever since. I am a Civil Engineering major in Chattanooga TN, which is the place that trained me to be the kayaker I am today. This year I had some awesome expeditions into Mexico, running many different rivers and fueling my stoke. I love downriver freestyle, freestyle creeking, and now, freefalling. I am so excited to keep kayaking and progressing. » Category: Amateur
Locations: United States: Ocoee, Cheoah, Nantahala, West Fork Tuck, Green River, Little River Canyon. Mexico: Agua Azul, Rio Oro, Alseseca.
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