
Published on January 2nd, 2023 | by Kayak Session

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REEL WORLD Vol.7 – #9 Benjy Rowlands (UK)

Follow UK paddler Benjy Rowlands paddling around the globe in 2022!: « The world started opening again and I had just finished a rafting season in Iceland. Little did I know what was ahead. My friends and I started in Pakistan. We explored the northern reaches of the country for 3 weeks. We then decided to go paddle the Indus. To then move onto the Braldu. After a short stay in the UK I was next in Chile. We paddled around in a beat up Subaru. We got down to the Baker and beyond. The summer in the northern hemisphere was around the corner with the Iceland season ahead. Towards the end of the summer, I missioned over to Canada to be greeted with great levels, weather and friends, for the Grand Canyon of the Stikine. Arriving back in Iceland to finish the season gave the opportunity to run Aldeyjarfoss with great friends. This marked the end of a year I will never forget. A year that motivates me and pushes me forwards to more adventures. Thank you everyone. In memory of Robert Eggleston. Paddler, Inspiration, Friend. Be Happy! » Category: Amateur
Locations: Pakistan (Rhondu Gorge, Indus), Chile (Rio Futaleufu, Rio Gol Gol, Rio Fuy, Rio Baker), Canada (Grand Canyon of the Stikine River). Iceland (Aldeyjarfoss)

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