
Published on March 20th, 2017 | by Kayak Session

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Rescuing a Swimmer on the Wind River at Flood Stage

Insane video showing Aniol Serrasolses, Rafa Ortiz and Ben Marr rescuing a fellow kayaker swimming on a flooded Wind river run mid march 2017. What is important to understand here, is that the boaters rescuing are taking a lot of risks too; on that kind of run, one should be aware that chances for a rescue are slim, and that everyone is on its own in the end; so while it happens to anyone to swim, before to embark on such runs make sure you are on top of your game!

This is Aniol’s message:

« Rivers are flooding in the Pacific Northwest !! Wood and rocks are moving, every sections are running strong !
It is the time to be extremely careful, to take more chill lines, the time to realize that with this high water, leaving your boat and swimming can only be your very very last option!
To all the people visiting the gorge… you need to watch out. We paddle this stuff daily. We know the lines perfectly and we are aware of the wood situation….. it’s another game out there right now so everybody stay safe !!!
I will always do my best to save a river buddy but the line is thin and there’s nothing less helpful than becoming 2 swimmers when trying to save a friend. sorry that It took so long to get you out but the wood on the side was killing us…
So enjoy, go big , paddle till exhaustion and take care of your family !! 1 life to live !! 🙂 #serrasolsesbros #cobratotherescue #squad #legionaries #seeyaatthebottom #benyouareafuckingbeast #waytoholdon #nevergiveup

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