
Published on June 14th, 2013 | by Kayak Session

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Rio Blanco, Argentina – Substantial TV

I had the great pleasure to go enjoy/check out one of my favorite rivers in the world this past January. Along with my little brother Nate Garcia, Matias Nunez, and Derek Beitler we drove deep into the Patagonian mountains to run one of the most beautiful clean rivers that South America has to offer. The Rio Blanco hosts about 4 miles of totally clean class V drops and rapids…with no portages and drinkable water what more can you ask for? My 7D was dead for most of the trip so I resorted to shooting alot of this video on my Go Pro…Still wanted to put it up and have y’all enjoy such a badass river.

By Eavn garcia/ Substantial Media House

Song: Babilonia – Morodo

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