
Results for "river log"

High water Vallecito Run (Colorado)

août 6th, 2019 | by Kayak Session

High snowpack in the San Juan Mountains had the rivers raging for a long while flushing avalanche debris down into [&hellip

Save the Piatua (Ecuador)

juin 26th, 2019 | by Kayak Session

by Darcy Gaechter An Ecuadorian company has been awarded what many believe is a questionable concession to build a dam [&hellip

Buena Vista Paddlefest (Co, Usa)

juin 20th, 2019 | by Kayak Session

In this new episode of the Wild & Free Vlog, Nick Troutman takes us to the Buena Vista Paddlefest on [&hellip

Rios y Tacos, The story of Alex Vargas

juin 4th, 2019 | by Kayak Session

The story of a canoeist, his tacos and his goal to run 100 rivers By Sunny Montgomery (cover photo Caleb Roberts) [&hellip

Product Spotlight: Pyranha 9R2 Promo

mai 1st, 2019 | by Kayak Session

Check out the Pyranha new 9R2 video promo featuring Gerd Serrasolses and Dave Fusilli testing out the new creek machine [&hellip

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  • Kayak Session Issue 91 – Fall 2024