
Published on August 7th, 2023 | by Kayak Session

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Senders | EP04 | Kayaking down mountains in California!

Follow the SEND Crew in the mountains of California on the West Cherry where most make it a two day mission the team this time decided to try for the one day mission! With no camping supplies and time catching on, with Dane Jackson out in front they agreed for to go for a gnarly read and run rally a lot of the way! After a savage hike in, you cant let fatigue get the better of you on a day like this!

« The West Cherry river was dropping hard and so we rallied over to get it before the water dropped completely and I would have to wait another year to get it. We put on with a nine person crew and seven first timers, myself included. Captain Dane did an insane job of remembering the lines and bombing everyone down the river. With filming it took us a solid chunk of time just to get the Graceland slide done and after that we had to push pretty hard to make it to the bottom of the river before dark. Fair play to John Grace for getting the first descent of that crazy slide back in the day, that thing dished out a couple or crazy lines throughout our session.
Honestly so impressed with this river, there are so many sick rapids to kayak down and a couple of bigger sets in there as well. My favourite part was the gorge towards the end at the confluence. Those rapids were so cool and it’s a different vibe dropping into powerful rapids when you’re tired. I loved it!

Huge thanks to everyone that supports these edits and helps me to keep doing what I do!

If you’re interested in supporting this channel and these episodes please consider subscribing on Patreon for easy access to videos, hitting the PayPal donate link, buying a Send shirt or just plain subscribing to this channel and sharing the videos. It all helps me to keep brining you these edits for free and to send it in my kayak with my best mates!
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Cheers for watching and I hope you’re all having a great summer! Massive thanks to Issac Hull, Huw Butterworth and Dane Jackson for the additional shots.

You can follow them and the rest of the crew here :
Issac Hull : https://www.instagram.com/_hullspeed/
Huw Butterworth : https://www.instagram.com/huwkayak/
Dane Jackson : https://www.instagram.com/danejackson…
Kalob Grady : https://www.instagram.com/kalobgrady88/
Lorenzo Vellutino : https://www.instagram.com/lorenkayaker/
Killian Ivelic : https://www.instagram.com/kilianivelic/
Pedro Bakovic : https://www.instagram.com/pedrobakovic/
Cole Ruski : https://www.instagram.com/ctoruski/
Bren Orton : https://www.instagram.com/bren.orton/
Thilo Schmitt : has a real job and doesn’t need social media.

Track licenses (kWY8oLdwe5L) (aAmORzvd0JX)« 

By: Bren Orton

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