

Published on juillet 31st, 2017 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png

Seven Sister Slalom – August 19th (Quebec Extreme Whitewater Series 2017 stage 5)

A race in a class V canyon, 5 waterfalls and a series of slalom gates? Sounds like a dream right? Dream no more, its real and its happening in the province of Quebec in a few short weeks.

The 3rd edition of the Seven Sister Slalom and final race in the Quebec Whitewater Extreme Race Series, will be held on August 19th on the fantastic Riviere Rouge in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, provided the water levels stay low, with an alternate date on September 9th if needed.

Thrills and spills are guaranteed on this stacked section as its the last race in the Quebec extreme race series, with an after party that is sure to deliver at New World Rafting. For those already in the area for Montreal Eau Vive the week before on August 12th/13th, the Rouge River is a short 1 hour drive away.

Stay tuned to the Slalom 7 Soeurs as well as the Serie Eau Vive Extreme Quebec Facebook pages for updates  leading up to the race (official French names).

Watch Last Year’s Video recap

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