
Browsing the "CZ republic" Tag

Corona Diaries #2, Vavra Hradilek (Czech Republic)

March 20th, 2020 | by Kayak Session

we at Kayak Session decided to take the opportunity to catch up with our friends in the whitewater community and see how they are coping across the globe. Today we speak with Slalom legend Vavra Hradilek, who is stuck at home in Prague (Czech Republic), and who just returned from a trip to New Zealand with Olympic Trials in mind trying to secure a spot at the Tokyo Olympics which are as of now still scheduled

Trnava X-RACE 2017, CZ Republic

June 1st, 2017 | by Kayak Session

The Trnava X-race is a race that takes place on the Trnavka Slalom course just outside of Prague, in the Czech Republic. [&hellip

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  • Kayak Session Issue 93 – Spring