June 3rd, 2020 | by Kayak Session
A road trip across South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. The WW-School.ru team explores the classics of the Eastern highlands in Zimbabwe. It’s a remote [&hellip
April 27th, 2017 | by Kayak Session
Watch Russian paddler Kirill Kosogorov and his mate getting beat at the same time in a sticky hole on the [&hellip
February 10th, 2016 | by Kayak Session
Follow the River Zoo crew during their trip to Mexico. Rivers: Alseseca, Jalasingoo Edit: Kirill Kosogorov Footage: Kirill Kosogorov, Konstantin Kuznetsov, Caleb Owen, Austin Woody
September 24th, 2015 | by Kayak Session
Russia, Altai mountains. The legendary lower gorge of Bashkaus river at extremely lower water. Three kayakers, two days, 60 miles, [&hellip