
Browsing the "Sam Ellis" Tag

TOO HIGH, Paddling Missions Across the World

May 4th, 2015 | by Kayak Session

A new full length kayaking film by British paddlers featuring adventures from… Ethiopia, Meghalaya, India, Borneo, Murchison Falls section of the, White Nile (Uganda), Iceland and [&hellip

UK Crew Takes on the Stikine

April 6th, 2014 | by Kayak Session

Years of anticipation and hearing the stories we finally got in there. In the summer of 2013 all British lads [&hellip

Backyard Boulevard

May 1st, 2013 | by Kayak Session

It’s Yorkshire, It rains, we rally, sometimes cross the port of entry to Cumbria, throw some shapes, get back, hit [&hellip

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  • Kayak Session Issue 93 – Spring