

Published on mai 12th, 2014 | by Kayak Session https://www.kayaksession.com/img-current-issue/upload-your-video.png


WWGP 2014 Final results – Martina Wegman and Dane Jackson 2014 WWGP Champion.

Dutch Paddling queen, Martina Wegman and wonderboy Dane Jackson (Usa) take on  the 2014 Whitewater Grand Prix – in the lead for most of the competition Dane Jackson’s win is no surprise, while the competition was closer on the ladies side, with Norvegian Mariann Saether battling for the top spot till the very last stage. Congrats all!

Women’s Overall Results
1. Martina Wegman (NLD) [34pts]

2. Mariann Saether (NOR) [33pts]

3. Adriene Levknecht (USA) [30.5pts]

4. Sandra Hyslop (GBR) [24pts]

5. Nicole Mansfield (USA) [20.5pts]

6. Hannah Kertesz (USA) [15pts]

7. Lu Urwin (NZL) [8pts]

Men’s Overall Results
1. Dane Jackson (USA) [164pts]

2. Rush Sturges (USA) [144pts]

3. Joel Kowalski (CAN) [141pts]

4. Nick Troutman (USA) [126pts]

5. Gerd Serrasolses (ESP) [120pts]

6. Tino Specht (USA) [119pts]

7. Kalob Grady (CAN) [109pts]

8. Aniol Serrasolses (ESP) [108pts]

9 [tie]: Bryan Kirk (USA) [104pts]

Marcos Gallegos (CHL) [104pts]

11. Mathieu Dumoulin (FRA) [102pts]

12. Bren Orton (GBR) [101pts]

13. Evan Garcia (USA) [100pts]

14. Chris Gragtmans (CAN) [90.5pts]

15. Devyn Scott (CAN) [89pts]

16. Sam Ward (GBR) [87pts]

17. Jules Domine (FRA) [86.5ts]

18. Tyler Fox (CAN) [78pts]

19. Galen Volckhausen (USA) [77.5pts]

20. Leif Anderson (USA) [76pts]

21. Tyler Curtis (CAN) [68.5pts]

22. Juanito de Ugarte (PER) [49pts]

23. Louis-Philippe Rivest (CAN) [44.5pts]

24. Casper Van Kalmthout (NLD) [31pts] *Out after Stage Three from severely broken finger

25. Lane Jacobs (USA) [24.5pts] *Out after Stage Two from aggravated rib injury

26. Ian Vogel (USA) [24pts]

27. Jakub Nemec (CZE) [7pts] *Out after Stage One with shoulder injury

28. Eric Jackson (USA) [4pts] *Out after Stage one due to business obligations

29. [DNS] Ben Marr *Did not compete / shoulder injury

Featured Image: John Rathwell


Watch Stage 1 video highlights https://www.kayaksession.com/2014-wwgp-stage-1-highlights/

See results and winning rides of stage #1 here: https://www.kayaksession.com/2014-wwgp-stage-1-video-report-results/

Watch Stage 2 video highlights the Boatercross: https://www.kayaksession.com/2014-wwgp-stage-2-boatercross-highlights-video/

Watch Stage 3 video highlights the Time Trial https://www.kayaksession.com/2014-wwgp-stage-3-time-trial-highlights/

Watch Stage 4 Highlights Big Wave Challenge : https://www.kayaksession.com/2014-wwgp-stage-4-big-wave-challenge-highlights/

Watch Stage 4 winning ride by Dane Jackson: https://www.kayaksession.com/2014-wwgp-stage-4-dane-jackson-winning-ride/



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